LZ: Re: #Zshell IRC channel
We already have a VERY well established TI calculators channel at #calc-ti
in EFNet. Why make an undernet one when we already have an EFNet one?
Because you're G-lined from EFNet or something? Too bad.
> From: Victor Chernyy <vchernyy@erols.com>
> To: list-zshell@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: LZ: #Zshell IRC channel
> Date: Saturday, November 23, 1996 8:07 AM
> Hi,
> My name is Nick, and i am interested to start a Zshell+TI-Calc channel
> on IRC (undernet), if you would like to support this, please Email me at
> vchernyy@erols.com, if you would like more information on the undernet,
> go to www.underent.org, and YES the undernet is better thatn EFnet +
> DALnet ;)
> -Nick
Cory Bosley
Cubic on IRC
learning ASM, Java