

John M. Hughes wrote:
> GWIZ seems to work quite well at slowing my calc down. It is unfortunate
> that it doesn't work on grayscale progs I feel, however, that is
> unneccesary for me to have such a big program on my calc when all I use
> it for is to slow my turbo. Perhaps the writer of GWIZ could make a
> program that only slows down the clac. This would sound a lot like
> Turboslo, but if you remember, all turboslo did was crash my calc.
> Zach Hughes

The reason that it doesn't work for grayscale progs is simple: When running
a grayscale program, the I register (that holds the high byte of the address
to where the interrupt should call) is changed thus disabling GWiz. There
may be a way to get around with it, but that will be VERY HARD, and I won't

I'll post the source to, because I don't know if I will continue
on it. I've released that saving/loading games is much harder than I first thought.
You must save a lot of things, like the whole stack for example, plus all temporary
variable, the LCD mem and more. A saved game will take about 4k I believe. Well,
maybe it's worth it...

Jimmy Mårdell               | "He claimed to be the son of God       |  he went too far, he was outlawed  |  he actually died for you and me
IRC: Yarin                  |  just to prove how cool he could be."
