Re: LZ: XC-1701
Re: LZ: XC-1701
Try deleting everthing off of your calc (exsept what you need to run
zshell) and then load it on your calc. then run it.
The reason that this might be your problem is that the program load its
own grayscale int. and this takes lots of mem.
I think it has to have 3000 ram free.
I hope this helped.
On Wed, 20 Nov 1996, Chris Abele wrote:
> I'm sure the mailing list already talked about this, but I only recently
> started subscribing...
> No matter what version of XC (past the first I stick on my 85, whenever I
> run it, it
> crashes my calc. I have ROM version 9.0, and I have not seen this
> problem with any other ROM version. Explain? Is Andreas out there?
> This is my only "problem" program.
> Appreciate it,
> Pie4Foo<---a personal email will do just fine
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*** NeW ToPiCS ********* XeeN SoFTWaRe HaS a NeW ** <-- L | A O U
*************************GaMe. Tetris v1.0B ***** <-- E | I M E
*** NeW WeB PaGe SooN *http://garfield.leesummit. * <-- A | L M S
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*** XeeN SoFTWaRe PRoGRaM LiST, THaT aRe RaTeD 1 ** <-- | N T O
****Tetris v1.0 *********************************** <-- R | Y S N
****FDM v3.0 ********** SEE WEB SITE FOR DETAILS ** <-- E | S
****Crypt v1.0 final******************************* <-- A | O
***********************InFo BaNNeR By: Carl Turner* <-- D | R !
***********************cturner@garfield.leesummit.* <-- |
************************** Pres. of XeeN * <-- ! |
Carl Turner
`Life is but a child's rhyme,
Mostly done in double time.'
mad bogart