Re: LZ: Re:Need algorithmic help!!!


Re: LZ: Re:Need algorithmic help!!! wrote:
> The format of the floating point numbers used on the ti85 includes the
> digits
> written in BCD, which is what you see as a hex number.
> PI = 0000FC3141592659890000
>                     ^^^^^^^
>                      WRONG
>      It should be:
>             14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459
>             2307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647
Knowing the first 120 deciamals of pi must be very usefull. I do not 
know how people like my self can live without thatm especially when you
have a ti85 and a ti92. 

Yes it should have been 898 and not 989.

But you must be exrtemly stupid if you seriusly belive that the calc use
that many digits. How would you store the type of the variable and the 
sign a 2 byte exponent and 120 digits using 11 bytes ?

Before  correcting answers to questions please read the question first.
This has nothing to do with the question, so there was no reason at all
to send this to the list.

I guess the best solution to problems is to unsubscribe from list-zshell
(since i am on the adv list).

Dines Justesen
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