LZ: Talk-85 fix for Zshell Modem
LZ: Talk-85 fix for Zshell Modem
Subject: LZ: Talk-85 fix for Zshell Modem
From: Nate Godin <pamelnat@ime.net>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 21:49:05 -0500 (EST)
In-Reply-To: <>
At 18:11 11-16-96 -0800, you wrote:
>Andrew Haninger wrote:
>> > Talk85 or Zterm or Fterm with the proper setup, and you might just get
>> Zterm? I thought nothing existed. is there one in the works?
>It doesn't right now, but someone might be working on it out there, it's
>a hot item. Talk85 connects, but it doesn't use CR, but LF, I heard. So
>really, all someone needs to do is get rid of the split screen and get
>the CR thing fixed. I don't think the source for talk85 is out, so it
>would need to be made frm scratch, but Branislav Bozgai (sp) is the
Instead of trying to change the source code of Talk85, you could change the
modem's S-register #3, which stores the carriage return (CR) character, to
the line feed (LF) character. To do this, execute the following:
1. Hook the external modem to your computer.
2. Run a terminal program and type the following command: ATS3=10 S4=13
3. Connect the modem to your calc via Graph-Link and null modem cable.
4. Run Talk85 and everything should be spiffy, with Enter working as
carriage return.
Here's technical BS explaining why this works (from my USR Manual)
S-registers control modem setup defaults. The default setting for carriage
return is stored in S-register #3 as the ASCII code 13. The ASCII code for
Line Feed is 10, stored in S-register #4. By switching S-register #3 and #4,
you in effect switch the CR and LF characters, thus letting Enter serve as
CR instead of LF.
Since I own neiter and external modem, Graphlink-85, or a null cable, I
can't test this, but from what I know about modem commands, it ought to
work. Someone please try it ant tell me if it works or not.
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