LZ: TASM Compiler error
LZ: TASM Compiler error
Subject: LZ: TASM Compiler error
From: Nathan Adams <nathana@goodnet.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 12:21:03 -0700
In-Reply-To: <>
I'm writing a table program like the ones on TI-82s but when I try to compile
it I get an error message saying label not found, label value misalligned.
The label worked fine before I added some more code, so I am assuming it is
some sort of jump length problem. Here is the code that is causing the problem:
ld hl,$0008 ;set x=0 y=8 (column/row)
ld ($800C),hl
ld de,XEntry ;This label is the problem
add hl,de
ROM_CALL(D_ZT_STR) ;Output "X=" in reg Text
.... ;Many lines of code
.db "X=", 0
I know there is one of fixing this problem by using
ld a,'X'
ld a,'='
but I would like to know how to fix it and keep it pretty much the way it is.
Thanks in advance,
Nathan Adams