LZ: Re: Zshell/Fargo Modem
A modem is actually a modulator/demodulator. The signals going from the
calc would be digital and the phone lines are analogue, so it would be
impossible to do this. You could, however, make a small modem (1 or 2
inches square) with the right stuff...
"This is the most logical route, Captain"
-= Zenon@bbs.nexes.com =-
: From: list-zshell@lists.ticalc.org
: To: Zenon
: Subject: LZ: Zshell/Fargo Modem
: Date: November 13, 1996 1:48 PM
: What exactly does a modem consist of? This might not even be remotely
: possible, but with the correct cable could you do without a modem and
: have the calc interface with the phone line? This might be totally
: insane, but if it's remotely doable it would be an incredible
: accomplishment.
: .\\ark
: Markzshell@juno.com <can't attach files to this address>
: Zarkon1000@aol.com <checked much less frequently>