Re: LZ: int function in assembly


Re: LZ: int function in assembly

Will Stokes (3D Diamond productions / Global Games) wrote:
> How do I take the integer value of a number in assembler? I.E., 6.23423->6

What kind of numbers are you using ? Fixpoint or Floating point ?

If you are using the same kind of fixpoiont numbers which is used
in my rutines, you can get the int part of the fixpoint number in
bc in to a with the following instruction.

ld a,b

If you are using another format you might have to shift the number a 
couple of times.

If you are using floating point numbers it is a bit harder and how you
do it depends on the format. Try looking at therutine in the rom if
you are using floating point.


Dines Justesen
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