Re: LZ: Type of links


Re: LZ: Type of links

> Who said they could type faster then 300 bits per second?  That's 37.5 
> letters a second.  5 letters a word that's 7.5 words a second.   That 
> makes 450 words per minute.  Impressive!
no, impossible<G>! really, that CAN'T be true. that would mean that you
could type a 1000 word document in a little more than two minutes. that's
we are talking abouy qwerty(boy that's an easy "word" to type. you all
should try it some time!) keyboards on computers, right? not the ti85
keyboard. would it be possible to write a program in zs that would find
out how many wpm you can type? well, that would have to wait until we make
a clock. what about using a dallas chip? it has a real-time clock in
it..and RAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a clock and ram expander in one!!

Andy Haninger                 
aka &amp;y               
