LZ: Type of links


LZ: Type of links

After looking over my previous message I'm not sure I made quite clear 
the three types of link I am working on:

1) Modulate BOTH R and W over audio.  I'll say more when I find out if it 
	works :)

2) Use R as send and W as recv.  This is really easy, and is already done 
	(to audio anyway).  But this would require special software so I'm not 
	focousing on it for reasons other then testing purposes.

3) Use an interface between a modem and the TI.  This shows promise, I 
	have a tentative schematic written out.  However this approach assumes 
	that we are using the TI-protocol, and will not work properly without it.

Who said they could type faster then 300 bits per second?  That's 37.5 
letters a second.  5 letters a word that's 7.5 words a second.   That 
makes 450 words per minute.  Impressive!

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