Re: LZ: Ti-H:RT Link for chatting.


Re: LZ: Ti-H:RT Link for chatting.

>Yes, but isn't the point of full duplex to be able to send info and at the
>exact same time receieve info?  Kinda like multitasking.  So can you setup
>the transmission such that data is ALWAYS being sent on the red wire and
>data in ALWAYS being receieved on the white wire?  will that work?  I don't
>see why not. Can't you just hook up the receieved to the white wire and the
>transmitter to the red wire.  Does the calc care where the data comes from?
>Is there a speceific input line and a specific output line?

How do you go about telling the difference between data from someone else,
and reverberated data that you just sent out?


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