Re: LZ: tetris loader?


Re: LZ: tetris loader?

On Sun, 3 Nov 1996, Rob Taylor wrote:

> > i DON"T care about game boy games. what i REALLY wanted to know about was
> > something called "tetris loader" am i crazy, or did i once see it on
> > or who should i write to to find out?
> > 
> the tetris loader was ued to run the old tetris game from zshell 
> (tetris was the first machine code game writtem for the ti-85, before 
> zshell by David Boozer)
> The loader is no longer needed ad tetris was dissasembled and 
> recompiled as a zshell program (with permission).
okay. thanks. i just thought that there might be another tetris out there
and i wanted to check it out. so, it's basically the same as the tetris
4.5 now i guess?

Andy Haninger                 
aka &y               
