Re: LZ: Help with programming please! And a new question, too.
Re: LZ: Help with programming please! And a new question, too.
>That's a problem I had when I made sqrxz also... The level is too big to be
>stored in the graph mem so you have to change in the source. I did like this:
>When a brick was smashed, that location wasn't change into an "empty condition",
>it was changed to "smashed brick", which had the same function as if there
>was nothing there. When you later quit the game (or restarted it), I scanned through
>the whole level, searching for smashed brick. If such a char was found, it was
>changed to a brick.
>It's easier though to allocate 3-4k for the level, but it would require that you
>had enough memory for it.
Well, my levels are going to be pretty small since there will be no
scrolling (only 112 bytes each) so it isn't going to take up a great
deal of space. i guess i can just use the graph mem for simplicity.
Here is my other question. if you have a sprite in the background,
and another sprite passes over it, how then do you not lose the pixels
of the background sprite? Will the background sprite just need to be