LZ: Input from keyboard
LZ: Input from keyboard
Someone wanted a routine that let the user input a number from the keyboard.
I've written one, but I though it was better to post it at LZ so more
ppl could use it. It could be made better though. For example, you can't
backspace (or even clear it) because then you would have to count how
many characters you've entered. There is no limit for how many digits
the user press either...
The routine returns with HL = the number entered. If the number is bigger
than 65535, it will be mod 65536.
To test the routine, there is a program that adds two words...
#include ti-85.h
.org 0
.db "Add two numbers",0
ld de,$0802
ld ($800C),de
push hl
ld de,$0802
ld ($800C),de
ld de,$0803
ld ($800C),de
push hl
ld de,$0703
ld ($800C),de
ld a,43
ld de,$0704
ld ($800C),de
ld b,6
ld a,45
djnz RepLine
pop hl
pop de
add hl,de
ld de,$0805
ld ($800C),de
call GET_KEY
or a
jr z,WaitKey
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Read's a decimal number from the keyboard at the current cursor location
; The number is stored in HL (thus the range 0-65535)
; If the value is bigger, it will wrap around (65537=1 for example)
; The A register will be destroyed (and HL of course)
; Interrupts must be enabled, else the cursor won't blink
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
push bc ; Save most register pairs
push de
push ix
ld ix,0 ; IX = the current number
set 2,(iy+12) ; Turn cursor blinking on (interrupts must be enabled)
ld a,32
ld ($800E),a ; Set "character under cursor" to space
call GET_KEY ; Get a key
or a
jr z,RepGetKey ; If no key pressed, check again
jr z,EnterPressed ; If enter pressed, jump to "EnterPressed"
ld hl,KeyTable
add hl,de ; Load HL with the absolute address to KeyTable
ld bc,10 ; There are ten keys in the table
cpir ; Check which key A is
jr nz,RepGetKey ; If A wasn't found (not a valid key) check new key
push ix ; \
pop hl ; |
add hl,hl ; |
ld d,h ; |
ld e,l ; \ It requires many instructions to do the simple
add hl,hl ; / IX=IX*10+BC...
add hl,hl ; |
add hl,bc ; |
add hl,de ; |
push hl ; |
pop ix ; /
ld a,c
add a,48 ; Load A with the ascii char of the digit
ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT) ; And show the digit
jr RepGetKey ; Get next key
EnterPressed: ; Enter has been pressed
res 2,(iy+12) ; Stopp cursor blinking
ld a,32
ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT) ; Clear the cursor (by putting a blank char on it)
push ix
pop hl ; The easiest and shortest way to do HL=IX
pop ix ; Pop back the pushed registers
pop de
pop bc
.db K_9,K_8,K_7,K_6,K_5,K_4,K_3,K_2,K_1,K_0
Jimmy Mårdell "I want to stand in the eye of a storm
mailto:mja@algonet.se I want to get struck by lightning
http://www.algonet.se/~mja I want our house to be set on fire
IRC: Yarin for us to walk without shelter" /Covenant