Re: RCPT: Re: LZ: M.C.Mik bug?
Re: RCPT: Re: LZ: M.C.Mik bug?
I'm not so sure that is the only reason these messages are posted. I'm
using Eudora and to my knowledge it does not have the feature that would
generate these messages. But from time to time I have had these messages
appear in response to a message that I posted.
At 18:56 12/10/96 -0600, you wrote:
>-what is the M.C. Mik bug?
>-will everybody who is using pegasus or has that mail read feature who is
>on this list-serve PLEASE TURN IT OFF!! -I think that is the most idiotic
>feature ever programmed.
> Adios,
> Will Stokes
>* Will Stokes ( *
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>* The TI-85 Calculator Center ( Oxymoron: *
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Nathan Adams
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,
than to speak out and remove all doubt."