RE: LZ: Shareware Games


RE: LZ: Shareware Games

On Tue, 3 Dec 1996, Michael Wyman wrote:

> Possible.  It might be interesting to see a game which required the RAM 
> expander to be linked to the calculator and variables sent to and from 
> during the game.  This would be the only real way to have programs if they 
> were to be shareware, I suppose.  I have no doubt that programmers would 
> honor the system (knowing the hard work, etc. put into a program) but I'd 
> say the majority of kids using 85's (at least at my school) would just send 
> the programs to others, and neglect the fee after the first person bought 
> the program.
> That would bring up a question that might be wise to consider.  Is there 
> any way to have, say, a setup program which would make it impossible for 
> the program to be transfered to another calc and still run?  Something to 
> consider!

I have friends with TI-82's, and I would like to have the real graphlink, 
so I thought of charging for the games, but that copying thing got in my 
way too.  The only thing I could think of would be to set some variable 
that they would never change (say the window stuff for parametric mode or 
something, they aren't that advanced with their calculators :)  With asm, 
it's possible (though I doubt it) to be able to read some sort of a 
serial number, so if you could hard code that in ( a lot of work, I know) 
then it would only run on the calc with that number.  The only real 
things I can think of.

Tony Lieuallen =          Oxymoron: Power Macintosh
Welcome to the ever changing sig!  It changes every time I log in, so 
don't flame me if it's a little long.  Enjoy!

A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
