LZ: SecureIt-85
LZ: SecureIt-85
Would some of you out there be willing to load SecureIt-85 onto your
calculators and be beta testers for it? I'm trying to fix some of the
bugs in it (I know there are some) before I release the full version.
Please note that there are a number of features that I am trying to work
on (like adding in the owner changing option, maybe password
encryption). If you find any bugs not noted in the documentation, please
e-mail me about them!
By the way, does anybody know a good random number routine for getting an
8-bit random number (i.e. between 0 and 255)? It would be much appreciated!
Michael Wyman
P.S. Please don't send me messages telling me to just use KCLock85, I
already know about it! Thanks!