Re: LZ: Startup and ZS4.5
Re: LZ: Startup and ZS4.5
On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Peter Cordes wrote:
> > Can i recommend something to the Zshell 4.5 authors... this stuff may
> > be unnessessary, but it would be useful...
> > on [CUSTOM] [F1] a password prompt would appear. This way, a teacher
> > couldn't see what is in Zshell if s/he found out how to access it
> > each program could have a password. I don't know if this would be
> > useful, but sometimes you only want certain things to be private.
> > auto-power off in Zshell, and in programs... if auto-off occurs in
> > while running a program, on [ON] it would automatically resume... I
> > have a fairly vague idea on how to impliment this. Make Zshell aware
> > of every time a key is pressed during a program (i don't know how to
> > do this, maybe a rom call????) If Zshell detects that more than 5 min
> > passed w/o pressing a key, it would turn off
> > All of this could have toggles... like, sometimes, auto-resume might
> > not be a good idea (teacher takes calc... calc turns off... teacher
> > turns on, and still has evidence)
> > Can you hide strings from the [MEM] command??? So it's still in the
> > calc, but not visible??? Maybe store all the program strings inside a
> > big ZSHELL variable????
> if the first character of a VAT entry is changed for a zshell string the
> program can still be run under zshell but will be invisible to the
> calculators functions. i know this is true because i wrote bad code
> before :( and it messed with the vat entries so that some of them had _
> or other symbols that are not allowed in varible names and the files
> were invisible to the MEM DELETE SRTING menu. after i get some time i
> will work on a program to do this.
This is great! I've heard that one of the teachers I have this year makes you
reset your calc, and I'm not cheating, but I don't want to have to keep
reloading ZShell... Anyway, you'll have to make a program to put it back,
The nice thing about Windows is that it does
Tony Lieuallen not just crash... It displays a dialog box and lets you press 'OK' first.