Re: LZ: Startup and ZS4.5


Re: LZ: Startup and ZS4.5

On Thu, 29 Aug 1996, Digital Dreamer wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Feb 2036, Steve Wrobleski wrote:
> > Change the position of ZShell to another spot on the menu, and change
> > the ZShell menu text to all spaces. Voila. Most teachers arent that
> > smart. :)
> How does one go about doing this?
> dreamer

There is a program called ReCustom 1.0 at TI that does moving the ZS menu.
Modify the ZS string for spaces and you've got it.

Ryan Myers
-- "One useless man is a disgrace.  Two useless men are a burden to
-- society.  Three or more useless men means Congress is in session."
