Re: LZ:83 ASM


Re: LZ:83 ASM

> Ack, no!  A few (6?) of months ago, when a shell program to enable
> someone to run ASM programs on the 92 was first being talked about, the
> hypothetical program was being called MShell, under the same naming
> standard: Z(80)Shell M(otorola, or maybe the name of the chip,
> M????)Shell

Mshell is teh name of  a netscape plugin for viewing MATLAB things, 
therefoe we are not using it.. It looks liek fargo will be the final 

> it should look like this:
> TI-83 = built in function
> TI-85 = ZShell
> TI-92 = Fargo (MShell)


Rob Taylor MAIL - 
           WEB  -    
