RE: LZ: Temperature Sensor
RE: LZ: Temperature Sensor
Subject: RE: LZ: Temperature Sensor
From: Edward Plese <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 1996 03:39:05 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
>what are the part needed for the temp. sensor and what code do you have
>to run it?
>Visit Maximus Productions home page at:
The parts needed are listed in what I sent earlier... 1 cap (2.2uF), 2
small diodes 1N914, and the LM75CIM-5. And the link cord. I'm still
working on the software for it, but so far here's what I have. It will
read the temperature and display it both in Farenheit and Celcius. It will
read the other two registers, but can't write to them yet. The registers
are for switching on and off of the O.S. output on the chip. And you can
put the chip in shutdown mode and take it out of shutdown mode. When I
release the software, I'm going to make it put the take the chip out of
shutdown mode when you start the program and enter shutdown mode when you
exit the program.
Ed Plese, Jr.
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