Re: LZ: Mach-85 (REAL TI Emulator!!)
Re: LZ: Mach-85 (REAL TI Emulator!!)
On Sun, 12 Aug 1990, Chris Kline wrote:
> Maybe you had a brain meltdown when you read over my posting.
> Mach-85 is an emulator. An emulator EMULATES something, and that's exact=
> what it does. The whole purpose is that there's lots of extremely useful=
> functions added plus the ability to run programs on the pc, compiling the=
m in
> a second rather then the 2-3 minute wait on a calc, and then also adjusti=
> to speeds that are 2x faster then ZShell for kicks.
Yup. An emulator emulates something. In this case it should emulate a Z80
CPU with a ROM from the calc. Mach 85 does neither. You know what
that's called? SIMULATE! That's a HUGE difference!
Added functions. In an emulator. Hahahahaha. Hohohohoho. And you still
call it an emulator? ROFL...
> > The TI-85 emulator that exist is VERY good, and the only bad
> > thing is that you must have a parallel link to transfer from
> > the calc (hopefully fixed soon).
> If your satisfied with or whatever the actual name of it is
> by Rob Taylor you must be insane. Sure it's identical to the TI in
> every way, because it IS basically the TI cause it's a ROM dump which
> according to Texas Instruments is illegal to destribute. It's also
> VERY limited and SLOW and can't even save to the hard drive.
Eh, the newest versions are not made by Rob Tayler IIRC. Dines Justensen
is working on it now I believe. The ROM dump is illegal to distribute,
yes, but you can make your own rom dum. The emulator isn't illegal. It's
NOT very limited (if you compare to the real one) and the current memory
is saved to the hard drive. If you have a parallel link you can also play
link games with the calc (so I've heard at least). It doesn't support TIs
own link cable yet though, but hopefully that will be fixed.
> > You call that a "TI-85 emulator"?? It's a PC program that can
> > run TI-85 basic program and probably have graph support and
> > such.
> There's nothing the TI can do that Mach-85 can't.
Oh. There are probably MANY programs that can do everything the 85 can do
but they're not a TI-85 emulator.
> > Low price? When you can get a shareware math program for the PC for
> > free? Come on!!You can get Mach-85 shareware to try before you buy. An=
d this isn't
> exactly a little math program.
Oh I forgot about the Sound Blaster support. And the
spellchecking. And the 2000 undo steps. sorry... (ironic)
If anyone actually pay for it, then I'm very surprised.
> > Umm. Good luck to get ZShell to work. And definately ZShell programs.
> > I want to see a working Grayscale program or Ulterior Motive on it...
> It can be done, the only dilema is that Mach-85 doesn't throw everything
> in a ROM dump so you can't take the ZShell backup and install it. If it'=
> not supported, oh well, then I guess we're limited to the basic programme=
Even if you could get the zshell string program it wouldn't work because
then you must know exactly how the RAM memory works, and NOONE knows
exactly how it works. It would surprise me VERY much if YOU knew, because
of "I personally hate ZShell" and "ZShell is overrated". You would have to
"emulate" every ROM_CALL to get it work since you don't use the ROM!!!
Hey, even that wouldn't be enough because there are programs that uses
rom_calls that aren't in ti-85.h.
Real name: Jimmy M=86rdell
IRC-name.: Yarin