Re: LZ: JR or JP?
> > > Does anyone know if there's a reason to use JP instead of JR for a program
> > > jump? The JR instruction, according to the book I have, uses one less byte
> > > to have in code, so that would help optimize memory; also the assembler
> > > resolves the relative (JR) addresses for you, doesn't it?
> > >
> > you can't use JP because of teh way teh Ti-85 works..
> > Zshell provides teh psudo-opcode JUMP_() which can be used instead of
> > JP.
> You can use JP just fine in the 83. Since a shell isn't needed
> and TI has promised to maintain their published addresses in future
> revisions, all code loads at the same address and all rom calls are
> at fixed addresses and all those rules don't apply.
> Of course this is the zshell list but if it's going to be extended to
> the TI-83, and I hope it will be, then things might get a little more
> generic.
I very much doubt it will be : the load is large enough as it is..
Besides, making things more generic is really going to confue most
Rob Taylor MAIL -