Re: LZ: zshell questions...


Re: LZ: zshell questions...

there are a few things that are constant on the calc, if it is turboed, or dependant on
batteries.. and that's the little busy thing
i'm not sure if he did it cause i got out of touch with him, but the creator of atlanta
was trying to get the calc to identify and time it's slef based on the progress
indicator with interrupts.... i don't know-----

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| From: Corey MD Roussel <>
| To:
| Subject: Re: LZ: zshell questions...
| Date: Monday, August 05, 1996 8:44 AM
| On Mon, 5 Aug 1996 02:33:03 -0500 (Timethy Toner) writes:
| >I've got it!  We can build a TCP/IP interface to log into the Utah 
| >Atomic
| >Clock homepage to update the TI clock every few minutes in order to 
| >keep the
| >clock accurate.
| >
| >Or even better, we can build a TI-LINK circuit that interfaces to a 
| >genuine
| >crystal, which we can count and keep accurate time.
| >
| >Better yet!  We can build an analogue to digital interface and connect 
| >the
| >TI to a self-winding Rolex gear setup.  That way, there's no current 
| >draw
| >from the batteries!
| Well, at least you're trying to be funny.  However, it was better the
| first time I heard it on this list last week.  I'm sorry if this is
| personal or insulting, but the comments to which I reply are completely

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla......
