Re: LZ: RE: Flush Your Toilet with your TI-85!
At 01:25 AM 8/3/96 -0500, Porter wrote:
>why would you need it to make its own water. it already has a ready supply.
all you would have to do is have it remotly acess the moter and turn the
handle once then it would flush automatically. i think you should do the
programing on that one since we know how good you are. also an ethernet
protocol or tcp/ip would be senceless since there is only one thing being
communicated to.
Well, you see, the multiple protocols are used as software and hardware
overheads for redundancy, DUH! Why else would they be there?
>you wanted to flush multiple toilets and have them tell you if they had
been used, all at once. then that would make it a little more fun. you could
mass flush whole restrooms at stadiums and resterants everywhere. it would
be great. i hope you can sucessfully do this. also i would like to beta test
this one when it comes out... hopefully since you are such a great
programmer we could see this great revelation comeout within a week or two.
please by all means email me or even the list when it is complete.
It's already complete, I just need to schedule a few TIJOHN meetings on irc,
that's all.
>i really want to see this one. hey maby you can charge us for it. and buy a
few other calculators with the money???
Oh, yes, I expect a HUGE demand.
>I need 50 engineers and 50 programmer to reap in the huge profits of this
>heh we did the tinet with 7 :)
If you haven't gotten it by now, this is a joke :)
>On the other hand, the package is available for $50. For more information,
>see my homepage.
>if it has already been made then why do you need the engineers? and programers?
See above.
>it takes skill to be like that.. but at least we know that he has a good
memory. that is a combination of about 6 people thru out my days on the
list.. o by the way i took that as a flame.
Not really, no hard feelings :) And YOU remembered the 6 people didn't you?
>anyway end of my complaint
>the actual protocol for the tinet is now being programed.. may be done and
ready for beta testing in 2-3 ??? weeks depends on how fast we work. but i
dunno. and the protocol only takes up a max of about 6k. i know it is still
pointless since the rtlink is a fake but i still think one could be made it
just takes a little know how, and to test the actuall protocol we are going
to just solder a few link cables together.
I have a real (legitimate) question.
How 'bout a multiplex digital gate? Think about it.
If you ever fall off the Sears Tower, just go real limp, because maybe
you'll look like a dummy and people will try to catch you because, hey, free
- Another Deep Thought by Jack Handy