[A83] Re: ugly symbols with an directory list


[A83] Re: ugly symbols with an directory list

Mark PK writes:
> I tried to use that skipcounter, but when I use it, the symbols are
> gone, but you can't see anymore if a program is protected or
> unprotected because the accumulator register is used by the
> skipcounter.

Save the byte in a different register, or use a variable, like you have for

> push af
> ld    a,(skipcounter)
> dec   a                ;is skipcounter=1?
> jr    nz,badprog       ;if no, skip this program
> pop af

Don't do that.  If you push something, you have to pop it.  Otherwise, you
will trash the stack, as you have already experienced.

> And another problem: how can I check that the accumulator register
> contains a # or ! ..?

 cp '#'
 jr z,accumulator_contains_hash

David Phillips <david@acz.org>
