[A83] Re: Differences between TI-83 and TI-83+
[A83] Re: Differences between TI-83 and TI-83+
> OK, thanks for the 2 emails they've been very helpful. However I just
> noticed something I've never seen before, and that is a dollar sign "$"
> in front of memory addresses, while others don't. What are they for?
This isn't only for memory addresses. The $ is a general notation to
indicate that the subsequent number is in base 16. Same goes for binary
representation, which is denoted by %. Example: $50 = %01010000 = 80.
Besides, $50 is the same as 50h and %01010000 is equivalent to 01010000b.
However, the prefix notation is better in my opinion--it's easier to
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