[A83] Re: allocating uninitialized memory? + _insertmem


[A83] Re: allocating uninitialized memory? + _insertmem

And since I made up the names for FREE_MEM_START and FREE_MEM_END, then
aren't in ion.inc or ti83plusasm.inc or anything - so here you go:

#ifdef TI83P

FREE_MEM_START  .equ $9824
FREE_MEM_END  .equ $9828


FREE_MEM_START  .equ $930D
FREE_MEM_END  .equ $9311


> On Mon, 26 May 2003 18:13:29 +0200, guillaume.h@ifrance.com wrote:
> > I'm making an ASM program on ti-83- which needs about 4
> > Kbytes of temporary memory. I've already seen that the rom
> > calls _insertmem and _deletemem have already been discussed
> > here, and they are "described" in the ti-83+ SDK, but I
> > haven't found the *clear* aswer to this question : how can we
> > use the free mem to store big data ?
> Well, first check if there's enough free ram. There's a rom call for
> that, but I don't exactly remember its name (_enoughmem or something).
> You give the amount of ram needed in HL and it will return a carry when
> there's not enough. When the carry isn't set, it's safe to use the mem
> starting at (FREE_MEM_START).
