[A83] New ZASMLOAD completed
[A83] New ZASMLOAD completed
I've just finished my new program loader for the TI-83!
It is (nearly) completely ZASMLOAD compatible. The only way an otherwise
stable ZASMLOADed program would screw things up (theoretically) is if it
tried to use its own size bytes after writing over the word at 9325h.
Program write-back is as easy to use with this as it is with any shell. The
loader uses insertmem and delmem along with a 768-byte saferam area to move
the entire program to its start location, and back again. The only free
user ram required to load any program is half of the loader's size (like
This is the problem. The loader is 765 bytes (unsquished). It takes 371
bytes to load the loader itself. I can probably optimize this somewhat for
size, but miracles might not happen. What I'm asking is this: Has anyone
created a stand-alone program loader like mine? Is it practical to use such
a loader, i.e. do its benefits outweigh its size requirements? Would anyone
be willing to help me with optimization?