[A83] Re: cursor blinking
[A83] Re: cursor blinking
We care because, for emulation purposes, we want to know the authentic
machine speed, aside from the processor speed. Also, for programming
purposes, we would like to be able to figure (approximately) how many
interrupts should be handled for an action we want to happen n times / sec.
For example if we want something to occur 2 times per second, we multiply 2
times per 1 second by 1 second per x interrupts, so after 2/x interrupts we
should make the action fire.
A 110 Hz interrupt is fast if you think it is, but for some purposes it
might be too slow.
> >call me stupid (or someone who knows basically nothing about the z80 in
> >83...) but, is that fast?
> Beats me. I'm not sure exactly why we care. A little context would