[A83] Re: Turning calc off


[A83] Re: Turning calc off

ld a, 1 / out ($03),a disables timed interrupts.  You don't need to 
worry about re-enabling them.
Also, note that ld a, 3 / out ($10),a turns on the display.  2 would 
only turn it off again.  Also, I think you may need to set the contrast 
on the display to its lowest setting (output C0h to port $10) to get it 
to look like the calculator does when it turns itself off.  Be sure to 
set it back to normal after its turned back on, or you won't see 
anything.  Also be sure to do some sort of delay (Like "LCDBusy") 
between turning off the display and setting the contrast down and 
turning on the display and setting the contrast up, or it won't get the 
second command.

I think that's about all you should need to know.

On Thursday, January 16, 2003, at 05:09  PM, Jeff wrote:

> I know this seems like a dumb question, but how do you use assembly to 
> turn
> off the calculator, wait for the ON key, then turn it back on?  This 
> is what
> I do know:
> - The tutorial for power off in re does not work.  It seems obvious
> that it couldn't.
> - Examples of power off that I've seen use "ld   a,1 / out   ($03),a". 
>  What
> does this do?
> - "ld   a,2 / out   ($10),a" turns off the LCD and "ld   a,2 / out
> ($10),a" turns it on.
> - HALT stops the processor until an interrupt occurs.  How do I disable
> timer interrupts, though, and only interrupt with the ON key?!!?
> jeff

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