[A83] Re: Gameboy


[A83] Re: Gameboy

XeroGXtreme@aol.com writes:
> Does this mean that it is possible (with lots of work) to port
> Gameboy games to the calc (specifically TI-83+ SE or TI-83+ with some
> sort of memory mod)?

No.  But if you are interested in Game Boy development, see this site:


I wrote a couple of Game Boy games.  They work fine on the real hardware.
Pong works on both the original GB and on the GBC.  Fall Down works only on
the GBC.  Source is included:


They are compiled with my Game Boy assembler and linker:


There are better development tools available for the Game Boy.  RGBDS seems
to be the best and most popular.

David Phillips <david@acz.org>

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