[A83] Re: 83p os
[A83] Re: 83p os
Trust me, it's just to cover their butts. They don't like doing stuff
without checking all the facets and possibilities. Heck, check out that
stupid "concept app" thing they implemented after spending tens of thousands
on an application :)
robvanwijk@gmx.net wrote:
>> I had this discussion with their head of app/etc development once.
>> But they never brought up third-party OS systems, but they develop
>> what is best for them, if it's all internal, without an ability to
>> hook in external
>> stuff, then they use it. Apps are what they consider the extent of
>> tying into their system.
>> They originally fought user-programs because they just thought it
>> would hurt
>> them/abuse them, but later they realize it was quite the opposite
>> and gave up trying to get rid of them. I'm sure half the stuff you
>> think is against
>> you is just the developers having free-will to design how they want.
>> Some might be though, depends on the system.
>> But, they like to keep costs down I'm sure and redoing current
>> systems to help developers out of their scope isn't cost effective,
>> but working on new
>> calculators is.
>> corey
> All they'd have to do is release the OS key, just like they released
> the 0104
> key. Not that I think they will, but the point is, it doesn't cost
> them money.
> Especially when dealing with OSes (more so than with apps), if you're
> gonna make one, you know what you're doing. Besides, OS developers
> don't need development guides (that are probably expensive to make),
> because they start from scratch.
> I think their problem is with safety; once you load an OS, you have
> total and
> completely unrestricted access to the entire calc. This would include
> the flash
> page with the certificates. Also, if they'd release the OS key,
> people could simply modify TI OS (which would be illegal, but how do
> you stop them?) so it won't check for valid certificates, then people
> don't need to buy their apps
> anymore. Another potential problem is people who add new
> functionality to the calc, that isn't allowed on tests. Then teachers
> would not trust the 83's,
> which would severly hurt TI's income.
> Rob van Wijk