[A83] Re: chess engine


[A83] Re: chess engine

> > I would absolutely love a AI chess engine that could make me 
> think!
> well here are my AI engine ideas so far:
> computer makes mistakes to give beginner a chance + uses opening 
> book
> computer attempts to adjust itself to the user's playing level + 
> uses
>       opening book, but comes out of book if other side is doing 
> poorly
> computer uses pre-existing settings for AI parameters + show 
> thinking +
>       opening book
> computer uses an AI developed through evolution and automatic
>       code generation
> Attempt to match a player's style, either mathematically, 
> evolutionary,
>       or refining engine parameters.

That sounds impressive!  An adaptive chess engine would be nice; most
people just give up if the computer whomps them once.  In case if you
didn't know, there is a series of articles about coding a chess engine on
gamedev.net.  They might help.
> The thing with winboard-style engines is that each engine would need 
> a
> function to generate (pseudo)legal moves, which would add to the 
> amount of
> memory the program would require.  I think it's a good idea to have 
> authors
> be able to write their own engines though.  I'll have to work out 
> all the
> details of how to interface external engines, so maybe I'll study 
> how
> winboard does it.  If the above engines that I plan to build in are 
> good
> enough for you, maybe I won't consider external engines.

I am not entirely sure as to the internals of winboard.  When I mentioned
it, I was thinking of it as being a gui that supports user vs. user, user
vs. computer, and computer vs. computer.  I suppose that I see the AI as
the most difficult part to code.
> As for the possibility of a strong AI on 83,
> http://www.lokasoft.nl/uk/jchess/chessgame.htm gives a demonstration 
> of a
> strong chess engine chugging away on a Java VM, which crushed me the 
> first
> few times I played it even though it was set to 2 ply.  I asked the 
> company
> for permission to use the source code (after glancing at their 
> decompiled
> code and seeing how optimized it was) but they wouldn't let me.
I had it set on 10 sec. and it beet me too!  I would not say that it
crushed me; we had equal forces for most of the game.  I would be
thrilled to have an engine like that on my calc!

Matthew Marshall

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