[A83] _IO_EXEC problem
[A83] _IO_EXEC problem
Hi all!
I'm using a basic program to call a ASM program
(not using zasmload)
I have one problem with
call _IO_EXEC
I'm using ASM_IND_CALL = 20
(wait for data in lines and read 1st byte)
but whem I exit from my basic program
(the asm program was called with Send(9...)
the calculator seams to be like crached
the only way to back is take out one battery
and put theam again..
and the calculator continues is normal life :P
well I'm doing some thing wrong??
ld a,20d
call _IO_EXEC
I'm use ion.inc but not coding for 83+
so the call is correct...
I try use the ASM_IND_CALL = 22d
but it give lot of LINK errors :(
so.. I dont want use because it..
any sugestion?
any idea what other ASM_IND_CALL values do?
should I need to call some thing.. so restore
something else?
ahh another thing..
if I make an error at last line of the program
the TI report the error exit and its all OK...
sorry my english.. help me please if you can :P