[A83] Re: Me so curious
[A83] Re: Me so curious
--- robvanwijk@gmx.net wrote:
> >
> > Good point, but what about third party app support
> in this OS which would
> > not require TI's keys?
> >
> That would be an infringment of copyrights and
> therefore illegal. Because
> (contrary to ROM images) TI does lose money on this,
> they'd probably
> throw in more effort to stop (or sue) you.
> I'm not a lawyer, but I'd expect that a function
> which only purpose is
> something illegal (mp3 in itself is not illegal,
> because in theory it also
> serves legal purposes) would make the programmer
> responsible (at least
> to some degree).
> Anybody who makes a custom OS should make sure the
> verification of
> apps works the same as in TIOS (which would mean
> stealing TI's code?
> Hmm... that's illegal too...).
> Just my two cents,
> Rob van Wijk
> --
> GMX - Die Kommunikationsplattform im Internet.
> http://www.gmx.net
How about not supporting TI's apps?
And why is the calc community so secretive? It's not
like anybody's making money. Why won't DS just release
the Mirage code now? Why won't Michael Vincent and
Rusty Wagner release the flash secrets?
"The consequences of our actions are always so complicated,
so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult
business indeed."
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