[A83] something to talk about
[A83] something to talk about
Hi guys,
Again, it's kinda too quiet on this list. So let's discuss some things..
1. LCD delay, what is the maximum number of clock ticks you have ever
measured to get a good delay? On my calc 48 works ok. But a friend of mine
has got some wrong calc, TiOS works fine(TI does use veeeery long delays)
but in Ion and most games the screen is messed up. Do you think TI will
repair the calc because the delay needed is abnormal high(but is ok in
2. Something about sprite routines... movax routines use an aligned sprite
routine and a non-aligned sprite routine... but isnt the aligned a lot
faster? doesnt that mean that when a screen is filled with aligned tiles is
way faster built than non-aligned tiles? With scrolling that would mean it
wouldnt be smooth...