[A83] Re: Efficient way to find program?
[A83] Re: Efficient way to find program?
> From: "Nat Allan" <nallan@hotkey.net.au>
> Im looking for a more efficient way other than contunually scanning
> the program table for a programs name or attributes..
> I was thinking of using _chkfindsym but im not 100% sure if that would
> work the same.
_chkfindsym should work. It looks up the program name stored in OP1 so you
could do something like this.
ld hl,prgmName ; copy 9 bytes from prgmName
rst 20h ; to OP1
[..here DE points the program data..]
[..and HL to the program's vat entry..]
.db 5,"PROGRAM",0
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