[A83] program writeback


[A83] program writeback

I'm not quite there yet. In the thing I'm making I have
to write back a series of keys to prgmZSUCWELC. But I do
not know exactly how many times I have to "inc de" to
let it match the program. The regular 83 version has to
"inc de" 4 times. Whatever I do at the moment, when I
wrote from prgmZCONFIG to prgmZSUCWELC, running prgm
ZSUCWELC again resulted in a err:invalid.

this is the beginning of prgmZSUCWELC:


    .org progstart-2
    .db $BB,$6D

	jr start
	.db 3			;amount of keys
	.db 38			;<SIN>
	.db 30			;<COS>
	.db 22			;<TAN>
	.db 0			; -> are the default keys
	.db 0			;
	.db 0			;
	.db 0			;

	ld ix,$saferam1
	bcall(_indicatorOff)	;
	call shutdown		;


And this piece of code searches prgmZSUCWELC
and copies the amount of keys and the keys to prgmZSUCWELC


     	ld hl,prog              ;search for prgm zsucwelc
     	bcall(_mov9toop1)       ;
     	bcall(_chkfindsym)      ;
	ret c			;
	inc de
        inc de
        inc de
        inc de

	ld hl,keys2		;keys2=inside saferam1
	ld bc,8			;
	ld a,(keys2)		;
	ld c,a			;
	inc c			;
	ldir			;
	ret			; return to TI-OS

prog:   .db   5,"ZSUCWELC",0


      SUCKER [Pieter Van Nuffel]

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