[A83] Re: Does ASM has a file size limit?


[A83] Re: Does ASM has a file size limit?

On the Ti-83 there is no limit but the available ram, but do consider that
for use with Send(9prgmXXX your filesize gets doubled due to the encoding
TI uses.
You can "squish" that filesize for use with a shell or ZASMLOAD

On the Ti-83+ thare is a limit of about 8 to 8.5 kb, ehm,
4000h-(9D95h - 8000h) = 226Bh bytes is a limit of 8811 bytes of code.

The Ti-83+ has availability for apps, that can be 16k+

On Sun, 19 May 2002, Alexandre Émond wrote:

> Hi... some time ago, I begin to program in asm.  And now I began to make a 
> RPG game, but now i came across some problems...  When I add more code and 
> then I try to execute then on my TI, it tell me "ERR:INVALID"...
> Does someone know if it is because of the file size and how to be able to do 
> to a asm program bigger than this (it is about 8 500 big once compile)?
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