[A83] Re: Converting programs....


[A83] Re: Converting programs....

First off, if you're using Windows, then I strongly suggest using Assembly
Studio 8x instead of TASM:


Programming for ION is pretty easy.  Just start your program off as follows:

#include "ion.inc"

#ifdef TI83P
    .org    progstart-2
    .dw $6DBB
    .org    progstart

    jr  nc,Start
  .db "FreeCell v1.0",0


If you want to assemble with TASM, and then just use the asm.bat file that
comes with ION.  If you are on an NT based operating system (Windows 2000 or
XP), then you'll need Bin2Var.


Bin2Var includes an asm.bat file that is a version of the ION one, but
modified to use Bin2Var to generate the .83p and .8xp files.

> I just wrote an RPG games in assmembly, but i wrote it like I learn ASM,
> with the ti83plus.inc include file and I was compiling it using tasm
(-80 -i
> -b options...)
> But now I must use a shell and I want to use ION... but if I keep both
> include file... it doesn't work (for compiling), and if i remove the
> ti83plus.inc file, there are missing commands....
> what can i do to make my game  ion compatible?
