[A83] Re: ASM program space alocation
[A83] Re: ASM program space alocation
Haha. You fell into the same trap that Matt Johnson did when he wrote the
advanced interrupt section for 86 Central. It probably works that way if
you are using IM 2 for real devices. But on the calculator, since there is
no interrupting device, the value can be and is completely random. If you
use 256 bytes, it will crash. You must use 257 bytes.
> That would mean that the LSB could never be $45. If the value on the
> bus happened to be $45, it would be interpreted as $44. (I think.)
> This also has two nice side-effects: the address you jump to doesn't
> have to be something with MSB=LSB, if you want to jump to $89AB
> that's possible too. And you can make a 256-byte jumptable, instead
> of a 257-byte table.
> (Just a reminder: the addresses must be stored LSB first)