[A83] Re: Does anyone know when the z88dk is coming out?


[A83] Re: Does anyone know when the z88dk is coming out?

> Not all of them, but certainly there a few who do, 
indeed, seem to assume
> that anyone mentioning efficiency in regards to compilers 
should be
> dismissed as an assembly zealot or something like that 
(as opposed to
> actually discussing the issue).

It seems I need to clear this up a bit. I'm programming 
these calculators for the fun of it. As a future 
programmer, I'll have loads of opportunity to use various 
high level languages, whereas assembly is dying out for 
obvious reasons, at least in the eyes of the grand public. 
But as I like coding in assembly, I rather use it for these 
leisure activities than C or anything like that... I have 
nothing against other languages - all have their drawbacks 
and advantages -, it's just a different feeling. :)

Phew. My point.

