[A83] ID in ASM


[A83] ID in ASM

Well, my friend wants to post this here, and since we
would really want to know if any of you know how to
access and make use of the variable IDList is
assembly.  If you are interested in either giving
information or making a program, please reply, as it
would really help if this program is accessible in
assembly format.

Umm I dont know if kevtiva want me to say anything but
a friend I have here, and myself have cracked the
Kevtia IDIGIT program!  

It ingenious in its symplicity. Although it never
could have been made with out calcsys or the like. In
it, it uses Str8. Like I said before, this is not the
8th string that holds text. Str8 is the text
repsentation of the token 5D40. In memory this list is
stored as hexadecimal. Once you atempt to send(they
dont have to be connected) your id to another
calc(wich Ive done before) this list will be created,
and show in mem as IDList in the list section. Anyway
what IDIGIT does is take that value and by some qurik
in the ti-eos, it is converted to decimal! that is
done here:




This may seem reduntdant, but what is does is force
the calc to work math with it, so the calc does the
conversion with no error because It thinks there is no
way that ACTUAL hex is sitting in its lists  .

After that the program goes though (now here is the
ingeniuos part!)hexadecimal divison on a decimal
number! That is what it was doing with all those
iparts(. It then takes(more ingenious code  )the
derived vaule from these digits and stores them in L6
as the 1-15(there is a bug here that we fixed  (a
rather simple one  )) hex value. At the end it does
the rather simple task of converting these to a string
by using sub(s.

In anycase this is nice but SLOOOOOOOOW!! I do not
know much about the VAT so I dont know how to get that
list but if any body can do this in ASM(dont worry it
would be much easier) please post or mail me!


And there it is.  Interested? please reply.

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