[A83] Re: moving sprites


[A83] Re: moving sprites

Well, I wouldn't want to give the whole thing out since it crashes at the 
I like to make my programs one part at a time 

Here's the loop for shooting...

    ld a,(spritex)
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    ld c,a
    ld a,(spritey)
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    inc a
    ld ix,STONE
    ld b,4
    call ionPutSprite
    call ionFastCopy
    ld h,l
    ld c,a
    jp LOOP2
    ld a,(spritey)
    ld l,a
    ld a,(spritex)
    ld b,10
    ld ix,SHOT
    call ionPutSprite
    call ionFastCopy
    ld l,h
    ld h,l
    ld a,c
    cp 85
    jp z,LOOP
    inc a
    ld c,a
    ld b,4
    ld ix,STONE
    call ionPutSprite
    call ionFastCopy
    jp LOOP2
