[A83] Re: libraries


[A83] Re: libraries

Sure, I agree completely.  But this is not arguing about the color of the
bikeshed.  This is pointing out an idea that has been tried in the past, and
has not worked out.  Yes, if you really want to program something, then by
all means, program it.  If you wake up one morning (or afternoon / evening)
and decide you want to see how a library loader would work, then write one.
But if you think everyone will be into using it, which is what I thought he
was asking, then I'll give you my opinion.

> Don't let people discourage you. If you have an idea that you think is
> go for it and do it full steam. Opinionated people can sometimes get in
> way of good development. (No offense to anyone on the list).
> If you would like to make libraries, make them.
