[A83] Re: Accents [OT] (Was: Monsters in smoothscroll game)
[A83] Re: Accents [OT] (Was: Monsters in smoothscroll game)
OK, someone in IRC told me to just do a filter, so i figured out how to do
it in Eudora (I'd been using Outlook Express) and re-subscribed. Sorry if
i was a little "short-fused" (not that i said anything to take offense to)
yesterday. A83 is a great resource, and i actually enjoy some of the off
topic stuff (like the VB series of posts. wxWindows looks pretty
interesting). Sorry for being dumb.
> > Van: Charlie Adams <charlieadams@bellsouth.net>
> >
> > that's it. i'm unsubscribing.
>Really? Just filter for "[OT]" in the subject and "Hays" in both the
>subject and the body, and you're done...
> Henk Poley <><