[A83] Re: again?
[A83] Re: again?
>From: "Frank Schoep" >Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org >To:
assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org >Subject: [A83] again? >Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002
23:26:49 +0200 >>Dear subscribers to ticalc's mailing list, >>altough I am
not in the position of being able to moderate messages >and/or ask you to
keep the following things in mind, I would appreciate >it if you could be
able to obey the following rules (which, and I guess
>other people as well, irritate me)
I guesss that it is why you are not a mod, because this list does not only
evolve around you. >>1. do not send messages in HTML format, this has not
occured a lot >lately, but it is confusing and irritating when it happens.
>>2. read the manual. Please do not use this list to ask questions that >are
answered in the documentation contained within programs or >utilities. >>3.
*search the archives*. There is nothing more irritating then asking >a
question that has already been answered in the past. >>4. do not send full
source code and ask to debug it. This list is not >intended for sending
complete programs to, in the hope that you will >get a bug free program
back.You become better at programming by >learning from your mistakes. If
youknow what part of code causes the >problem, just go ahead and ask. >>5.
please (this has occured many times lately) send emails containing >only
'OK'or 'why?'. This leads to lots of emails containing non- >informational
content, so try to either send these mails to the sender >(not the list) or
avoid them at all. >>6. do not mailbomb the list with programs you made or
irrelevant links. >You can advertise your program by either asking the
ticalcstaff to >create a news article (if the program is worth it) or
dedicate a >website to it. >>7. I am certainly not interested in what you
know about off-topic >items, please stay on-topic, that is: TI83(+ and SE)
Assembly language. >This, however, does include general syntax and usage of
the Z80 ASM >language, so I'm not complaining if you email about that. And
of>course, computer and programming related issues are entertaining to
>read,but try to keep them interesting. >>8. one hard last part: please
ignore Hays crap in the future. Let us >just act like men and ignore them
like we should: off-topic is already >adressed in point 7. >>There are
several other issues that I do not mention here, but as I >stated earlier, I
cannot force you to keep these things in mind. Just >try to keep the list
clear of spam and link-bombs. I will personally >thank you if you obey these
few rules. >>Secondly, I would like to thank all the (in my eyes) elite TI
coders >like David Philips, Joe Pemberton, Dan Weiss, Brandon Sterner and of
>course Harper Maddox (James Matthews anyone?) for staying on the list >even
tough there are times when you'd gladly unsubscribe. >>Notice: I am not a
ticalc moderator, nor am I god. I just want to keep >the list readable for
both myself and the general public. I am not
>attacking individuals or individual messages.
Thanks for the concern but I think this list is coming along nicely. >>Yours
sincerely, >Frank Schoep >>>
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