[A83] Re: textinverse asm input
[A83] Re: textinverse asm input
>From: Tijl Coosemans <tijl@ulyssis.org>
>Reply-To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>Subject: [A83] Re: textinverse asm input
>Date: Sat, 01 Jun 2002 14:17:12 +0200
>It's normal.
>SUCKER [Pieter Van Nuffel] wrote:
> > I'm having problems with asm_ind_call and pgmio_exec.(83-)
> > I got it from ASMguru, the tutorial about ASM input:
> > numerical. I've got a full line of text on the first and
> > the last line of the screen (with textinverse). Then I
> > put a prompt " seconds:" with pgmio_exec in the middle of
> > the screen. What happens? Suddenly the lower line is
> > completely erased and the upper line is displayed regularly,
> > so no textinverse anymore. This is quite crappy. Is this
> > normal or is there a solution?
Any solution?
I copied the code from the program below. It should be
squished to be run with ZASMLOAD. There are so far 2
strange things. The problem discribed above and...
When I do the two different tests on my Ti-83, the amount
of interrupts/sec are different:
120 ints/sec with "wait 10 seconds"
149 ints/sec with "enter passed time"
How is that possible?
SUCKER [Pieter Van Nuffel]
; InterruptCounter V1.0 BY SUCKER
; -------------------------------
; You may modify this source code for personal use only.
; You may NOT distribute the modified source or program file.
#define end .end
#define END .end
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#include "squish.inc"
saferam1 .equ $8265
int_var .equ saferam1+1
.org 9327h
im 1 ;
call _homeup ;
call _runindicoff ;
call _clrscrnfull ;
ld hl,intro ;
set textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
call _puts ;
call _eraseEOL ;blackens line '1'
ld bc,9*256+46 ;
ld (pencol),bc ;
call _vputs ;
ld a,7 ;
ld (currow),a ;
call _eraseEOL ;
ld bc,56*256+23 ;
ld (pencol),bc ;
call _vputs ;
res textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
ld bc,24*256+17 ;
ld (pencol),bc ;
call _vputs ;
ld bc,40*256+13 ;
ld (pencol),bc ;
call _vputs ;
set textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
xor a ;
ld hl,saferam1 ;
ld (hl),a
inc hl ;
ld (hl),a ;
inc hl ;
ld (hl),a ;
res oninterrupt,(iy+onflags) ;
ei ;
halt ;
call _getcsc ;
cp 15
jp z,stop_prgm
cp 34 ;"cp [1]"
jp z,ten_seconds
cp 26 ;"cp [2]"
jr nz,choice ;
call _clrscrn
ld hl,passed ;
call disp_above_below ;
call _vputs ;
call load ;
ld b,9 ;
call wait_key ;
im 2 ;
ld bc,7 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
call _eraseEOL ;
res textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
ld bc,2 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
ld hl,ints ;
call _puts ;
call interrupt_loop ;
ld hl,(int_var) ;
ld bc,2999 ;3000 interrupts will occur
sbc hl,bc ;
jr nz,pt_loop ;
im 1 ;
ld de,821ch ;
ld hl,secs ;
ld bc,16 ;
ldir ;
ld a,1 ;
ld (ASM_IND_CALL),a ;
call _runindicoff ;
ld bc,3 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
call _eraseEOL ;
call _formdisp ;
call _convop1 ;
push de ;
ld a,3 ;
ld (currow),a ;
ld hl,secs ;
call _puts ;
ld hl,3000 ;
call _setxxxxop2 ;
call _op2toop1 ;
pop de ;
ex de,hl ;
call _setxxxxop2 ;
call _fpdiv ;
ld bc,5 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
ld d,1 ;
call _round ;
call _formdisp ;
ld hl,currow ;
dec (hl) ;
ld hl,persec ;
call _puts ;
set textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
jp done_return ;
call _clrscrn ;
ld hl,ten ;
call disp_above_below ;
call _vputs ;
call load ;
ld b,9 ;
call wait_key ;
im 2 ;
ld hl,ten ;
call disp_above_below ;
ld hl,stop ;
call _vputs ;
res textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
ld bc,2 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
call _puts ;
call interrupt_loop ;
ld hl,(int_var) ;
ld bc,9999 ;
sbc hl,bc ;
jr z,overflow ;
call _getcsc ;
cp 9 ;
jr nz,ten_loop ;
im 1 ;
ld hl,secs ;
call _puts ;
call _puts ;
call _newline ;
ld hl,(int_var) ;
call _setxxxxop2 ;
call _op2toop1 ;
call _fdiv10 ;
call _formdisp ;
ld hl,currow ;
dec (hl) ;
ld hl,persec ;
call _puts ;
set textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
jp done_return ;
ld hl,$8400 ;
ld de,$8401 ;
ld (hl),$82 ;
ld bc,$0100 ;
ldir ;
ld hl,interrupt_start ;
ld de,$8282 ;
ld bc,interrupt_end-interrupt_start ;
ldir ;
ld a,$84 ;
ld i,a ;
ret ;
ex af,af'
ld hl,(int_var) ;
inc hl ;
ld (int_var),hl ;
jp $003A ;
ei ;
halt ;
ld bc,11*256+2 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
ld hl,(int_var) ;
jp _disphl ;
res oninterrupt,(iy+onflags) ;
halt ;
call _getcsc ;
cp b ;
jr nz,wait_key ;
ret ;
ld bc,7 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
call _eraseEOL ;
ld bc,56*256+21 ;
ld (pencol),bc ;
ld hl,rettxt ;
call _vputs ;
ld b,15 ;
call wait_key ;
jp start_prgm ;
call _homeup ;
call _puts ;
ld bc,7 ;
ld (currow),bc ;
call _eraseEOL ;
ld bc,56*256+12 ;
ld (pencol),bc ;
ld hl,alert ;
jp _vputs ;
res textinverse,(iy+textflags) ;
call _homeup ;
jp _clrscrnfull ;
; +------------------+
; | Installprgm data |
; +------------------+
.db "InterruptCounter",0
.db "V1.0 By SUCKER",0
rettxt: .db "<CLEAR>:return",0
.db "1: Wait 10 seconds.",0
.db "2: Enter passed time.",0
ten: .db "---10 seconds---",0
passed: .db "--Passed times--",0
alert: .db "Press <ENTER> to ",0
start: .db "start.",0
stop: .db "stop.",0
ints: .db "Interrupts:",0
secs: .db " Seconds:",0
tens .db " 10",0
persec: .db " Ints/sec:",0
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