[A83] Re: AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[A83] Re: AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>It is pretty pathetic this list doesn't have more worth while discussion on
>it. Heh all the other ticalc mailing lists have died, might as well kiss
>A83 goodbye too. Come on... anyone doing anything interesting? new games?
>How about any new discoveries deep inside the operating system of the 83 or
>83+? How about them calculator robots? Anyone done anything cool with
>them? Anyone working on any new hardware? Anyone doing anything or going
>anywhere interesting this summer? Just something besides everyone at
>everyone else's necks.
>brandon sterner
Yeah there's still something interesting going on! Recently my
InterruptCounter v1.0 was added on ticalc (83-) ((INDEED 83- !!!!!) and it
uses a nice graphical thing on the top and the bottom of the screen. Allways
textinverse. I had some trouble with asm_ind_call and pgmio_exec with the
numerical input, but I managed to fix it with some smart interrupt
working(was on [A83]). But still, if one keeps on banging the keyboard when
they have to enter the exact amount of seconds that passed with "Passed
Time", the below texinverse gets corrupted. So is there anyone who knows how
to get numerical input that stays on 1 line? The same as when you enter some
data in the [WINDOW] screen... That would take care of that problem.
SUCKER [Pieter Van Nuffel]
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